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Floor 13, Al-Gas Tower, Sharq, Kuwait +965 2524 0259
Arun Jumblani

Showing up for work to do a mundane job but in bringing ‘fire’ and demonstrating a sense of responsibility


“No matter what you do, do it with all your heart and put fire into your work.”

What can we learn about Excellence from Arun Jumblani Mmboa?



“Welcome to my office” is what you will be greeted as you enter the men’s arrival washrooms at the Johannesburg or Thambo Airport. This is the loud and cheery voice of Arun Jumblani Mmboa an energetic; sincere and smiling janitor who takes great pride in his work proving that life is a summation of experiences and expression. The work that you do has a meaning and dignity as long as you know that you can only make your life valuable if you give it all, consider your workplace as your empire; commit to making incremental improvements at all times.

Exceptional work is the result of grit and persistence with a passionate desire to learn relentlessly, fighting the internal saboteurs and demons that tempt you to stay within your comfort zone and avoid stretching yourself to perform at world class. All work is a chance for you to be creative. All work is a chance for you to lift up other human beings. All work is a chance to overcome your fears and become a stronger human being is what Arun Jumblani learnt early in his life. Born in a family of nine children he embraced his limitations when the family could not afford proper education for the children. Arun a born perfectionist always believed in giving his best and not settling for anything less. Early in his life Arun understood that nothing changes until you do and through self-discipline and persistence he learnt to perform consistently any job he would undertake.

He believes that his job is an opportunity for him to practice his craft with passion, cheerfulness and enthusiasm. He believes in not just showing up for work to do a mundane job but in bringing ‘fire’ and demonstrating a sense of responsibility as the ambassador of South Africa with unbridled enthusiasm.

Arun Jumblani would say leave every person that you encounter spellbound so that when they leave they leave with a smile on their face.

The intensity of Arun’s greeting, the consistency of his performance coupled with enhanced touches of creativity touches everyone who encounters it in a different way. His contagious enthusiasm and smile dissipates even the foulest of moods and bring a grin on the faces of men who exit ‘his office.’