
Why The Coveted Leader Program Works

Nearly every company recognizes that developing leaders is a critical talent problem, yet organizations around the world struggle to strengthen their leadership pipelines. Eighty-six percent of all surveyed HR and business leaders cite leadership as one of their most important challenges, particularly ability to develop Millennial leaders – first-time managers. A focus on leadership development early on, especially with first-time managers, is key to building sustainable performance and engaging employees in the new world of work.

Woman leading a group of coworkers

Leadership development, is unfortunately treated rather sporadically, confining it to a select few employees and more often than not, starting the process a little too late.

The Coveted Leader program is designed to assist you in overcoming these difficulties and getting you as a first-time manager ready to lead and improve your company’s performance.

Man mentoring an employee

The curriculum will help you develop your natural leadership potential, enhance leadership presence, and exercise leader demeanor to achieve outstanding results for your organization. Both professionally and personally, the curriculum prepares you for leadership that gets results.

Confident businesswoman

The 5 pillars of transformative leadership focus on developing:

  • Courage: A burning desire and Courage to lead
  • Optimism: The Optimism and motivation to succeed
  • Vision: The Vision to define and take responsibility for your dreams
  • Excellence: The Excellence to become a sought-after world-class performer
  • Trust: The authenticity and integrity to build self and others and inspire Trust

In summary, The Coveted Leader Program focuses on developing your leadership potential and providing you with the tools to lead successfully. The COVETed Leader program will teach you how to take control of your career. If you want to be a good leader, this program is for you! Don’t wait and Start Today!



Fazle Siddiqui

A high-performing Business and Human Capital Management Consultant specializing in providing professional services to companies that will help them build a clear strategic HR Plan, execute through effective efficiency improvement and consistent performance methodologies, and analyze results to consistently scale their business through the development of the human capital talent pool and succession planning.