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5 Pillars of Transformative Leadership

The impact you make as a leader depends on the strength, quality and authenticity of your inner self.

Do you think you can make a greater impact, perform at a higher level, and purposefully LEAD yourself and those around you but find yourself at critical crossroads in your life?

Would you like to discover  the COVETed Leader in YOU?

The COVETed Leader is a highly sought-after individual who passionately shows up in every domain of life and makes a positive impact on the world – helping others feel bigger and better than who they think they are and making their own and the lives of those around them extraordinarily fulfilling.

If you would like to find, develop and nurture The COVETed Leader in you and learn how to embrace and share your own leadership stories then this book is a must-read for you.

In The COVETed Leader: 5 Pillars of Transformative Leadership, you can discover how you can often find your inner leader at just the right time and show up in the world where your actions are devoid of glory and greed.

What gets in the way of showing up this way is either your ego or emotion; you will learn to tame ego and manage emotions.


5 Pillars of Transformative Leadership

There are five pillars of this transformative leadership journey. By embracing these, and the underlying tenets and behavioral traits, readers and participants in the flagship The COVETed Leader ©Model program will find:

  1. The Courage to stand out

  2. The Optimism to face adversity

  3. The Vision to define their dreams

  4. The Excellence to become a world-class performer

  5. The authenticity and integrity to build self and others and inspire Trust

Told in a lively “story” style, The COVETed Leader speaks directly to experienced executives, young leaders, and to anyone aspiring to get to the next level of leadership performance both professionally and personally.

Let Every Action of yours Define you.

Change your life! Change your world!

Become The COVETed Leader.

The story behind the book cover of
The COVETed Leader

The term COVET comes from the Latin word ‘Cupiditas’ meaning “intense & passionate desire; eagerness and ambition” or “sought after”. The book cover is inspired by the ‘Cupiditas Table’ by Amarist Studio ‘created to awaken emotions and exhibit unique experiences through its exclusive materiality and avant-garde design’.

The design of this table is a balance between craftsmanship and contemporary art. A circular plane of tempered glass constitutes the table top representing absolute clarity and strength of character of a coveted leader. The base is shaped out of basalt marble from Calatorao, Spain which grounds the table, representing the deep-rooted prudent grounding of a coveted leader. Between these two surfaces, the body of the work appears as a cube balancing on one of its vertices that has sunken into the ground and is made out of alabaster, a unique and translucent stone. The balancing of the table on one of its vertices and not on its base represents the mental, physical and emotional balance required by the coveted leader to stay always agile and vigilant at all times to prevent slipping into complacency and falling into a comfort zone.

The design and technology used in the manufacture of this table allows it to be illuminated from its 600-diode core with LED RGB wi-fi technology controlled by any smartphone or tablet device. You can change the light color and intensity in order to create the desired atmosphere for your social events or your emotional state. The cube is originally opaque white but can be lit with a light inside that represents each of the five pillars of COVET – Courage – Red; Optimism – Yellow: Vision – Amber; Excellence – Blue and Trust – Green.

Each piece is individually made and handed in with a gold plated badge with the client’s name engraved.

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